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Matt Chung – How to write a good technical CV

10 August 2018

How to write a good technical CV?

In this podcast, we cover what it takes to write a good technical CV.

Topics covered:

  1. Why should you write a Technical CV

    • What is a Technical CV

    • Meat of the podcast

    • CLEAR - Clarity, Length, Explanation / Expansion, Accuracy, Relevance

    • Common Mistakes people make on their CVs


  1. Should we put a photo on the CV?

  2. PDF or Word Format?

  3. Including table or not?

  4. One size fits all CVs or different versions of CVs for different roles

  5. NOT including certain jobs on the CV

  6. including bad academic grading

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Matt Chung – How to write a good technical CV
00:00 / 38:55
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