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Sarah Johnson (Deputy Chief Product Officer, Digital Products Group, PwC)

27 November 2020

Today we are grateful to be talking to the Deputy Chief Product Officer of PwC's Digital Products Group.

Sarah Johnson comes from a unique background. She used to be the Operations Manager for the Polar Challenge / South Pole Race and spent 3 months in Antarctica for this. After a few more roles in technology, she is now the Deputy Chief Product Officer of the Digital Products Group arm of PwC.

Today on the podcast, we will ask her a few questions about her current role and try to glean some wisdom from her. After that, we will also talk to her about her personality and her contribution to society and to women in particular. So let me extend a warm welcome to Sarah and thank her for agreeing to do this!


  1. If you were to introduce yourself in three sentences or less, what would you say?

  2. Let's go back to the beginning of your career. We just need to talk about your experience in Antarctica. How did that come about and what was it like living over there for 3 months?

  3. Can you talk about the trajectory of your career and how it helped you get to where you are today?

  4. Has your experience in seemingly unrelated jobs like the one in Antarctica helped you with your current job? If so, how?

Digital Products Group:

  1. Can you talk about what Digital Products Group is?

  2. Why was there a need to start Digital Products Group to begin with?

  3. How old is Digital Products Group and can you talk about some of the successes so far that this group has achieved so far?

  4. What have been some of the challenges of delivering these products?


  1. You seem to have a 'giving' and a charitable side to you. You are a mentor for HandsOn Hong Kong and sever as a mentor in the Women's Foundation of Hong Kong helping women advance in their careers. Why do you feel the need to give back and help develop women?

  2. In your opinion, what can be done to promote more women in technology?

  3. How ambitious and determined have you been to rise to the top of your profession and where does this ambition come from?

Final questions:

  1. How do you think technology will evolve in the next 10 years or so?

  2. What career advice would you give to young ambitious IT professionals?

  3. Do you have a special routine that you follow that has enabled you to achieve success in your career so far? 

  4. What books do you read? Is there a pattern and what are some of the top books you'd recommend?

  5. Is there anything else you would like to say that we haven't asked you?

Sarah Johnson (Deputy Chief Product Officer, Digital Products Group, PwC)
00:00 / 50:04


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